Monday, August 11, 2008

Entering the home stretch

My feet: let me show you them - 25 weeks

Making kissy faces for Mom - 25 weeks

Peanut has had a busy month with lots to report! His room is finally done and looking beautiful, thanks to Mom and Dad. Somehow we pulled off the lattice pattern on the accent wall and got all the furniture set up. Peanut got a comfy armchair glider from his grandparents and his crib, dresser and changing table (which we've come to refer to as the poop station) from Mom and Dad. Sometime later I'll have to post the construction pictures and go into more detail about that fiasco, but onto more interesting things for now!
Peanut went to his first Bele Chere and behaved well for the festivities. He enjoys music and crowds and kicks a lot when he's around either one - so he was pretty excited all weekend. He enjoyed several lemonades and couldn't seem to get enough of it. We walked around a lot which proved to be difficult on the feet. Carrying around a big belly in the July heat isn't all it's cracked up to be, but we had fun nonetheless.

Last week, the 'nut and his folks traveled 6 hours to the coast to enjoy a week on Ocean Isle Beach. We had a detour initially, as Peanut's great-grandfather passed away, and this was stressful and difficult on everyone. We had hoped to visit him during our vacation and show off larval Peanut but unfortunately the circumstances were a lot different. Peanut agreed that the funeral service was beautiful - he danced every time music played. He brought comfort to Mom and Dad during a sad time with his dance by reminding us of the good things to come.

The beach was fantastic. Peanut loves swimming in the pool, but not so much in the ocean. A man after my own heart. We were a bit nervous when the waves crashed over us, and unfortunately with my new shape, I got knocked over more than once. I'm a little more "front-heavy" than I used to be I guess. We did a lot of sunbathing and laying around and got to spend time with lots of family. Peanut kicked his grandmother, great aunts, aunts, and cousins and made everyone laugh with his Peanut antics. During our stay, the Turners got a SURPRISE baby shower that was completely unexpected and lots of fun. He got several items he needed and everything was beautiful. Somehow we got it all in the car and set it up last weekend. We are almost completely stocked up on baby items!
We are entering the 3rd and final trimester this week (if you don't count the 4th tri!) and are getting to be huge. I got my first "Are you expecting twins?" comment over the weekend and felt sad about it. I can't believe this belly has 13 more weeks of growing to do - I don't see how it could get any bigger. Last night I realized that I have stretch marks under my belly and I got very upset about this. When I showed Jacob he told me they've been there for weeks and he hoped I wouldn't notice. I guess cocoa butter isn't the answer after all. Peanut's kicks are getting stronger and can be seen from across the room now. He stretches from my lower belly to just underneath my ribcage and will sometimes kick and punch at the same time, allowing me to map out his whereabouts. He is still head down but will flip from the left side to the right about once a day, which is the weirdest feeling ever. So the official countdown is on - 94 days and counting...

1 comment:

Lena said...

I can't believe Peanut and Levi are almost here ... It's crazy :)