Tuesday, July 1, 2008

We're halfway there!

June 16th: 18.5 weeks

What a handsome little man! This is our guy at 18.5 weeks, getting bigger and stronger and more interesting to look at. Our anatomy scan went well with everything in its place, and he decided to flash his goods once more, confirming yet again that he is all boy. The techs and the doctor think this is funny every time because Peanut is so proud. He wiggled and danced throughout the ultrasound, despite Mom's best attempt at avoiding sugary food the night before. This is completely normal however. He moves non-stop which does not look good for us when he gets here. We will most definitely have our hands full.
Pregnancy has gone fairly well until week 19. Mom got into some bad food which landed her in the hospital for 2 days, re-hydrating and recovering from a wicked case of food poisoning. Peanut was fine, but not so happy throughout the ordeal. He bounced back rather nicely and Mom is still recovering a week later. At the doctor's appointment this morning, Mom was officially put on bedrest for the rest of the week in order to recover completely. Aside from that, everything else looks pretty good. Weight gain at 20.5 weeks is a staggering 15 pounds, however in a month it has stayed the same. Despite this, my pants keep getting tighter as Peanut grows outward.

So we're officially halfway done cooking the little guy and it won't be long until he is on the outside. Construction started on the nursery last week and is a definite work in progress. We hung an awesome fan and got the four walls painted a beautiful baby blue and white. We are hoping to paint a geometric pattern onto an accent wall and still figuring out (2 weeks later) how to make the math work out, as all four of our 50-year old walls are settled, slanted and curved. Stay tuned for the results on that one. We started window shopping for furniture and decorations but haven't bought anything big yet. Peanut's wardrobe is getting bigger as clearance items come up and Mom and Dad bought him his very own bouncer last weekend. At this rate, he'll have everything he needs by the time he's here. It won't be long until November!

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