Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Approaching the 2nd Trimester

It's almost week 11 and I'm still feeling pretty good. Every now and then I get a wave of nausea but it's fleeting and almost always happens as a result of a terrible smell. I could work with the Beagle Brigade at the airport for the new sensitivity to smells I've acquired - I even have a talent of smelling things that simply aren't there. This new talent has us eating dinner at home every night - I cannot handle all the smells at a restuarant anymore. The last incident was at our friendly neighborhood Italian restaurant. I was minding my own business when the couple in the booth next to ours ordered fried calamari. It was all I could do to hold it together, eat my food, and get out without incident.

I've been reading a lot about baby development and learned that Peanut is no longer an embryo but is now a fetus. Happy Milestone, Peanut! At 10 weeks, fingers and toes seperate, and all of the essential internal organs are there. There are even fingernails. I'm excited about the idea that those little tiny fingers have fingernails already. I look forward to seeing fingers at the next ultrasound, and I think we will - I'll be 13 weeks by then.

My pants are definitely too tight to wear at this point, so I'm really thanking the textile gods for elastic waistbands this week. I've been sporting exercise clothes all week and getting away with it, but am about to start a new job and will have to go back to dress pants soon. I still look like I had three helpings of Thanksgiving Dinner for lunch, so I'll be glad when a real baby belly starts developing. The look I'm going for is pregnant, not fat. With the weight struggle I've had for the past 5 years, the getting bigger thing is definitely going to be hard for me. I've trained myself to believe that anything but a flat or relatively flat tummy is unacceptable. The good news is, since the double lines, I've been eating a lot healthier and controlled my portions to a little bit, all day long. I'm hoping this new routine will serve me well now and in the long run. We'll see about routines when Peanut gets here, which coincidentally, will be around Thanksgiving.

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